Versions Compared


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Conversion information can be transmitted by:


The Conversion Tracking Types


Better to use, since in this case there is only one redirect when following a tracking linkPostbacks, in general, are URLs that are used to pass information about conversion. Postbacks allow servers to communicate with each other directly. A client is not involved, no cookies are used on a visitor’s computer. Once activated by an advertiser`s platform, these links send information to the Indoleads/Oneklix platform. It's a preferable way to receive notifications about conversions as they do not rely on cookies, which can be blocked by browsers, and as we move to a cookieless world this will be even more beneficial.

Postback implementation requires from advertiser to store and send back click ID value back. All the other tokes represent values from the advertiser`s side (like rate, sale_amount, txn_id, etc).

Code Block

Tracking ClickID in Postback URLs:

To ensure the accuracy of the recorded data, Indoleads/Oneklix tracking platform has to identify everything that is going on with a visit. So we generate a unique ID and assign it to each visitor’s click on an Offer URL that is hidden behind an ad.

This means that each click has its own, unique value, called click ID.

This is important, as click IDs are used to verify conversions. After all, the conversion is what generates money for publishers and advertisers, so we have to make sure that all of them are real and passed to your affiliate program or affiliate network. Our tracker does not just accept any postbacks sent toward it. It only accepts the ones that contain their own click ID value that has been assigned to the original click and security token which is unique per advertiser and should match the values stored while processing the visitor's click.

  • In the offer URL, we pass an Indoleads’s click ID value to an advertiser`s platform.
  • In the postback URL, click ID is passed back as proof that this conversion has been triggered by Indolead`s visitor, as well as the security token as proof that postback was sent by advertiser`s platform.

Params available for the Postback URL:

  1. click_id – is a unique and dynamic set of characters, generated by Indoleads Network. It is sent through an offer URL and returned through POSTBACK URL after the conversion is complete.
  2. security_token - unique token provided to Advertiser, available on the offer detail page
  3. rate | revenue – commission amount
  4. sale_amount - for the case, if the commission amount is not defined
  5. currency - the currency of conversion
  6. cat– the category code and our system applies payout for the category accordingly.
  7. txn_id – unique order/transaction id generated from your platform, any random unique number. This helps to avoid duplicates.
  8. status -  it may be the value of:
    1. pending (by default)
    2. approveaapproved
    3. declined
  9. sub1 - a parameter that may be used by an Advertiser to set any custom value they want to track in the Indoleads Platform.
  10. sub2 - a parameter that may be used by an Advertiser to set any custom value they want to track in the Indoleads Platform.
  11. sub3 - a parameter that may be used by an Advertiser to set any custom value they want to track in the Indoleads Platform.
  12. sub4 - a parameter that may be used by an Advertiser to set any custom value they want to track in the Indoleads Platform.


Add on your “thank you page” tag ingPixel tracking means a piece of code or markup that has to be implemented on a "thank you" page to report conversions. When this page loads, the script makes a request to a target platform. The script runs on a client’s side.

Note:  Pixels may not be 100% reliable because they may be blocked or removed by software or user action, leaving us without any confirmation. It should be used just in case when an advertiser has no ability to track click_id by themself.

To implement pixel tracking please add an <img> tag (like in the example below) on your “thank you page”, and don't forget to replace tokens with real values:

Code Block
 <img  style="visibility:hidden;" src="">

If you separate payout for publishers by categories you should send us a specific marker as cat query parameter, where we can detect which category of payout it applies.


Click_id will be detected by the cookie.



Container is an advanced version of Pixel tracking type


with all its benefits and drawbacks.

Add on your “thank you page” tag script:
