Table of Contents | ||||||
Name | Values | Description | ||||||
status | success, error | Request status | ||||||
message | Success or error message | |||||||
count | Number of results in response (in data array) | |||||||
totalCount | Number of total results | |||||||
totalPages | Number of available pages (according to used limit value) | |||||||
page | Current page number | |||||||
data | List of offers | |||||||
data.*.id | Offer id | |||||||
data.*.website_url | Offer website preview link | |||||||
data.*.status | Offer status | |||||||
data.*.category | Offer category | |||||||
data.* | Offer category name | |||||||
data.*.geo | Countries, in which this offer is available | |||||||
| *source_id required to get tracking link Tracking link or error message if something went wrong. Errors list:
| |||||||
data.*.type | Offer types | |||||||
data.*.payout | Offer payout description | |||||||
data.*.short_payout | Offer short payout description | |||||||
data.*.hold_period | Hold periods. Number of days | |||||||
data.*.cookie_lifetime | Cookie lifetime in days | |||||||
data.*.deeplink | true/false | offer deeplink | ||||||
data.*.hold_period | hold period | |||||||
data.*.cookie_lifetime | cookie lifetime | |||||||
data.*.cookie_lifetime_is_hours | true/false | Determine if the cookie lifetime is in hours (true) or not (false) | ||||||
data.*.traffic_restrictions | Offer traffic restriction | |||||||
data.*.traffic_restrictions.*.name | Traffic restriction name | |||||||
data.*.traffic_restrictions.*.status | allowed, forbiden, need approval | Traffic restriction status | ||||||
data.*.logo | Offer logo link | |||||||
data.*.banners | List of offer banners | |||||||
data.*.banners.*.size | Banner size (e.g. "100-120" => width 100px, height 120px) | |||||||
data.*.banners.*.file | Banner file name | |||||||
data.*.banners.*.link | Banner download link | |||||||
data.*.landing_pages | List of offer landing pages | |||||||
data.*.landing_pages.*.id | Landing page id | |||||||
data.*.landing_pages.*.title | Landing page title (name) | |||||||
data.*.landing_pages.*.preview_url | Landing page URL |
Name | Values | Description | ||||||
total | Number of total offers | |||||||
per_page | Number of data limit in one page | |||||||
current_page | Number of current page | |||||||
last_page | Number of last page | |||||||
first_page_url | URL for first page | |||||||
last_page_url | URL for last page | |||||||
next_page_url | URL for next page | |||||||
prev_page_url | URL for previous page | |||||||
path | Path of URL | |||||||
from | Number of first data in current page | |||||||
to | Number of last data in current page | |||||||
data | List of offers | |||||||
data.title | offer name | |||||||
data.type | cps, cpl, etc. | |||||||
data.deleted_at | ||||||||
data.id_thumbnail | ||||||||
data.advertiser_id | ||||||||
data.geo | ||||||||
data.short_payout | ||||||||
data.preview_url | |||||||| | conversions rate | |||||||
data.category_id | ||||||||
data.created_at | ||||||||
data.overage | ||||||||
data.visibility | active, need approval, private, testing | Offer visibility rules: private - private offer, available for particular publishers only. testing - an offer that is used for testing or it’s integration with Indoleads is in progress. | ||||||
| bool | * Used only if visibility is ‘need approval' | ||||||
data.applied | bool | * Used only if visibility is 'need approval' The field has TRUE If Publisher applied to the offer and the application is pending, FALSE - if application was approved, rejected or doesn’t exists. | ||||||
data.rejected | bool | * Used only if visibility is 'need approval' The field has TRUE If Publisher`s application to the offer was rejected, FALSE - if publisher doesn’t applied to the offer or the application is pending or approved. | ||||||
data.blocked | bool | Displays if user was banned for using the offer. | |||||| | bool | |||||||
data.advertiser | ||||||||
data.traffic_restrictions | ||||||||
data.caps |
Update: 16/11/2022 : Bug fix to restrict response to coupons related to offers the publisher has been approved for.
Request parameters:
Name | Values | Description |
search |
Offer id
Offer title
Offer website preview link
Offer logo link
Offer types
Country codes
string | Keywords to search in the Description | |
startDuration | string, format Y-m-d (e.g. 2022-12-31) | Date, coupon available after the provided date. |
endDuration | string, format Y-m-d (e.g. 2022-12-31) | Date, coupon availability ends before the provided date. |
code | string | Coupon code |
discountType | Avalilable values:
| Coupon discount type |
offer | int | Offer ID to filter |
geo | string, country codes (e.g. US, GB, MY, RU) | Country codes |
page | int | Pagination page |
source_id | int | Source ID. |
Response Fields:
Name | Values | Description |
status | bool | |
count | int | Number of records in response |
data | array | List of found records |
data.*.id | int | Coupon ID |
data.*.type | string | Coupon type |
data.*.short_description | string | Coupon short description |
data.*.description | string | Coupon full description |
data.*.discount | float | Coupon discount value |
data.*.discount_type | Avalilable values:
| Coupon discount type |
data.*.geo | string, country codes | Country codes or “ALL” (world wide) |
data.*.start_duration | string, format Y-m-d (e.g. 2022-12-31) | Coupon available after the provided date. |
data.*.end_duration | string, format Y-m-d (e.g. 2022-12-31) | Coupon availability ends at the provided date. |
data.*.code | string | Coupon code |
data.*.offer | object | Offer related to the coupon |
data.* | int | Offer id |
data.*.offer.title | string | Offer Title |
data.*.offer.logo | string | Offer logo |
data.*.offer.short_desc | string | Offer short description |
data.*.offer.geo | string, country codes | Offer Geo availability. List of country codes or “ALL” (world wide). |
data.*.offer.type | string (e.g. cpa, cps, etc) | Offer type |
data.*.offer.payout | string | Offer payout description. |
data.*.tracking_link | string | Tracking link |
4.1. Get publisher's sources types
Route: /getPublisherSourcesTypes/{publisher_id}
Type: GET