Dear publisher,

There is a pretty simple way to use Google Parallel Tracking & Indoleads platform. You should follow the next guidelines:

  1. You should ask your publisher manager, to ensure if it’s possible to use Google Parallel Tracking with the selected offer. There are some amount of advertisers where GPT won’t work cause of technical reasons.

  2. Find a list of parameters that are used on a final page. You may use or similar tools:

    1. For provided example it’d be click_id=b5404d43-3d19-4e92-b00a-0ab479b949e8&other=custom&params=may&be=here#/

    2. Identify what parameter is used for Click ID - click_id

  3. In that step, you should correctly set up your google ad

    1. Replace Indoleads click value with gclid macros (e.g. {gclid}) and set it as landing\final URL in your ad. e.g.{gclid}&other=custom&params=may&be=here

    2. Also, you should provide gclid macros value to Indoleads by adding it to the tracking link as eclid parameter (e.g.{gclid} ). Set updated it as a tracking link in google ad.

Now it’s ready to use!