What is the average commission/payout per conversion for an affiliate partner?

What is the average commission/payout per conversion for an affiliate partner?

The payout or commission for each conversion can vary from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars depending on the affiliate offer you are promoting on your online mediums. Affiliate commission you may receive from the advertiser isĀ  based on the value of the product sold and the Percentage of that sale value the Advertiser will provide the affiliate as their reward (which ranges from 1 to 50% in some cases). For example, a commission from a sale of software or a high-end fashion brand could go up to more than $200. Similarly, a commission from a low priced product will be a but the volume of sales will be high so you can generate more sales to get a good commission. The commission rate in percentage depends on the affiliate offer. The highest payout we have made to an affiliate is $500,000 in one month

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