Tracking Links for Google Ads

Due to Google Ads Transparency requirements for third-party click tracking services, Indoleads' normal tracking links do not work in Google Ads .

Submitting a regular Indoleads Tracking link , for example using in a Google Ad will result in Google declining the Ad during automated review.

To resolve this issue for our publishers, Indoleads have partnered with a certified 3d party tracking service in order to generate tracking links that are acceptable to Google Ads.

Note: this change will have no impacts there should be no changes to your click or conversions tracking. Clicks on Tracking Links for Google Ads should show up in the clicks log in less than 5 minutes.

How to use Google Ads Tracking links

  1. Go to the offer of your choice.

  2. Scroll down to “Tracking Link” section as normal.

  3. Choose your source and click the “Generate Google Ads Link” Button instead of the “Generate” button.

  4. Next you will see the newly generated tracking link (starting with along with the other options available for this type of tracking link.



  5. You can sub ids, deep links or landing pages as you would on a normal tracking link.

  6. Copy the final tracking link from the generated link box and use as you would a regular Indoleads tracking link.

That's it!

As highlighted above clicks and conversions for these tracking links will appear in reports as normal.