Checking postback on Advertiser's platform

Checking postback on Advertiser's platform

  1. Login to Advertiser’s affiliate platform

2. Check “Setting” for Global Postback. If there’s no Global Postback, check the Offer’s page for a Postback section. For example, refer screenshot.

3. Make sure all variables added to the postback match with parameters/macros listed in the advertiser’s platform

4. Important parameters to check that they are assigned correctly

  • click_id  - clickid value passed in offer's tracking url
  • rate OR sale_amount  - (rate=commission amount; sale_amount=order amount. for sale amount the commission calculation need to be done on Indoleads platform)
  • currency - 
  • txn_id - transaction id from advertiser's website

5. Run test for the implemented postback if necessary

6. Make sure successful conversion received on Indoleads platform

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