Checking postback on Advertiser's platform
Checking postback on Advertiser's platform
- Login to Advertiser’s affiliate platform
2. Check “Setting” for Global Postback. If there’s no Global Postback, check the Offer’s page for a Postback section. For example, refer screenshot.
3. Make sure all variables added to the postback match with parameters/macros listed in the advertiser’s platform
4. Important parameters to check that they are assigned correctly
- click_id - clickid value passed in offer's tracking url
- rate OR sale_amount - (rate=commission amount; sale_amount=order amount. for sale amount the commission calculation need to be done on Indoleads platform)
- currency -
- txn_id - transaction id from advertiser's website
5. Run test for the implemented postback if necessary
6. Make sure successful conversion received on Indoleads platform
, multiple selections available,
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