Retargeting Script Review Process for Publishers

Retargeting is a powerful advertising technology that assists advertisers in keeping their products front of mind for costumers as they browse the internet and, ideally, leads to increased conversions rates, benefitting both advertiser and publishers.

In order to facilitate retargeting, Indoleads enables our publishers to add tracking pixels (JavaScript code) to our Advertiser's websites to keep track of users actions on theirs sites and integrate with various ad platforms.

In order to participate in Indoleads Retargeting Program however, all Publishers Pixel Scripts must be reviewed an approved by Indoleads staff. This is to maintain our relationships with advertisers and ensure that nothing that could possibly damage our advertisers websites or reputation are deployed to their websites.



1. Review process


Before submitting your tracking pixel (Javascript) to the “Pixel” section of the offer you wish to use retargeting on, you should first validate your JavaScript tag has no errors.
There are numerous free online tools available for this:

  1. - for basic mistakes

  2. a more strict validator for

  3. & for line by line feedback on your javascript.

Tags are deployed to advertisers websites and so Tags submitted with major javascript errors will be declined.

The process of Publisher Pixel Script review is as follows:

  1. Add your tracking pixel (Javascript) to the “Pixel” section of the offer you wish to add the pixel to and hit “Submit”.

  2. The status will change to “Status - on checking“.

  3. The Indoleads Technical Team will review the tag and update.
    The team reviews submitted scripts on a regular basis as well as any external scripts linked to. The review period will depend on the number of scripts to be reviewed at that time but generally you can expect feedback within a week.
    Be prepared however, this may take longer during periods of a high rate of submissions.

  4. Once the review has been completed there are two outcomes:

    1. If your pixel is approved: the status will change to “Status – approved” on the offer page in the Indoleads platform and within 30 minutes of approval it will appear on the advertisers website.

    2. If the Indoleads team find issues with your pixel the status will remain as “Status - on checking“ on the offer page and your Publisher Manger will be in touch to try and resolve the issue.


2. Submission Errors

In some cases when you paste your retargeting script into the Indoleads platform you may receive an error:

  • Script must contain getElementByTagName

    • Most of retargeting scrips are of the following format

      <script> (function(){ var s = document.createElement("script"); s.async = true; s.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https:" : "http:") + "url_of_publishgers_external_script"; var a = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; a.parentNode.insertBefore(s, a); })(); </script>
    • The document.getElementsByTagName("script") call “gets” the <script> tag on the advertisers html website so that we can programmatically add the publishers remote scripts ( referred to to as “s” above) to the advertisers site. You should follow the same style for your own retargeting scripts.


3. Why were my Pixels not approved?

There are a number of reasons why Pixel scripts will be declined. these are just some of them.

Links to Malicious software

Indoleads has a responsibility to our advertisers to maintain the integrity of their websites. Any scripts that contain links that are flagged by malware scanners as malicious will be instantly declined, and the rest of your scripts may also be declined while they too are reviewed.

Redirecting Traffic to 3rd-party pages/trackers.

Any attempts to redirect organic traffic to 3rd-party pages or trackers and away from the advertisers site, will be declined. Any repeat offenders may have retargeting disabled for their account.

Obfuscated Scripts

In order to review submitted scripts Indoleads Tech Team need to be able to see the content of those scripts. Cloaking a scripts content will not result in the script being declined immediately, however the publisher will be expected to explain their script and the reason for its obfuscation via their Publisher Manager before the script will be approved.

Introducing Errors to Advertiser websites

Indoleads expects Publishers to adequately test their Publisher Pixel scripts before submitting them. If a script introduces HTML, JavaScript or other errors to an Advertisers page, no matter how minor, the publisher will be expected to resolve the issue before the script will be approved.

There are numerous free online tools available for to validate your Javascript for errors:

  1. - for basic mistakes

  2. a more strict validator for

  3. & for line by line feedback on your javascript.

Suspicious iframe Values

While iframes are permitted in retargeting scripts, they are not recommended and the following iframe sandbox values are not permitted:






RTG scripts submitted that use these values will be rejected.


4. What To Do If Your Tag Submission is Declined

If the Indoleads team finds issues with your tag they will be highlighted to you via your Publisher Manager for clarification.

This does not mean that your script will not be approved, but that the Indolead's Technical Team requires your assistance with some details. To make this process go as quickly as possible

  1. Pease provide responses to all questions asked

  2. You may need to reveal the content of hidden/obfuscated code in external files

  3. If you are using code libraries form 3rd Party Ad Platforms, please provide as much detail as possible about the platform and your integration.

  4. Please make any requested updates to your scripts and resubmit by informing your Publisher Manager.

A lack of response will be assumed to be a declaration of a publishers intention not to proceed with retargeting.

5. Potential Penalties

While the Indoleads Technical team assumes that publisher pixel scripts are submitted in good faith and that any potential issues can be resolved after clarification and communication, there are penalties for publishers who willfully or repeatedly submit scripts containing the issues outlined above.

If issues are found with one script from publisher you run the risk of having all your publisher scripts declined, either temporarily or permanently. The duration of any “retargeting bans” will be dependent on the impact of the issues caused and are at the discretion of Indoloeads.

The Indoleads tech team also periodically reexamines scrips that have previously been approved. Publishers that are found to update scripts and introduced issues after they have been reviewed, may have retargeting suspended permanently for their account.


6. Helpful Tips & Tricks

this sections contains hints that you might find useful in the creation of your pixel scripts.

Capturing The Customers IP Address

This articles contains many examples of how to get the user’s IP address and print or save it:


For logging the user’s IP address to the screen for debugging purposes try the following :

<div id="ip"></div> document.getElementById("ip").value=ip;


Also consider the following script which to gets the user IP and some other data like type of browser:

<script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var a = document.createElement('script'); a.type = 'text/javascript'; a.async = true; a.src = ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(a, s); })(); </script>