How can I manage my traffic sources?

How can I manage my traffic sources?

Managing traffic sources

You can manage your traffic sources by clicking on My Sources:

Here you can delete your traffic sources by clicking on the trash icon in the Actions column, or you can add new sources by clicking on Add source button in the upper right corner:

Adding a new source

  1. Go to My Sources and click on the Add source button

  2. Select a Type of source:


    Note: Based on the selection made, additional form fields may be shown like:

    1. Input field Link to source:

    2. Drop down Search engine:


Additional notes

If the traffic source has been used by another account, you can prolong the link to re-use it. For example, https://abc.com is already used, so you can add https://abc.com/browse.

Keep in mind that if you delete the source, then your offer request and generated tracking links will be removed. You will have to re-create them for new traffic sources.

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