How to set up a Postback?

Go to Account > Postback:

Here you can add a Global Postback for tracking all offers. Check the Postback documentation for more information.

If you want to add postback for a particular offer, go to the offer page:

All Offers > List > Choose the offer > Scroll down to Postback section > Add:

What is a Postback URL?

A Postback URL is a URL created by a conversion tracking platform. The URL is then called by an affiliate network, whenever a conversion takes place.

When calling the Postback URL, the affiliate network passes contextual data such as the conversion value, the product name, or the conversion type.

Here's how it works:

  1. Your server sends all information on what users did on your website to the Indoleads server.

  2. The Indoleads server receives this information, after which it appears in reports.

Benefits of integration via postback

  • This is the most secure integration method since a request contains a private authorization key. On top of that, requests are sent from known IPs, and you can check the source of these requests in logs.

  • Since information is sent through the back end, you can make changes to your website with almost no risk of disrupting target action tracking.

What is postback URL composed of?

Generally, postback URLs include unique parameters defined by the source to send specific data variables when requested:

What are parameters?

A Parameter (also known as variable-value pairs) is a system variable used to carry information. A parameter is appended to all sorts of URLs (Partner postbacks, Offer URLs, etc.) to allow the tracking platform to deliver information to third party systems. Parameters are comprised of a parameter variable (e.g. &sub1) and a macro, which is also referred to as a token (e.g. = XYZ). 

Parameter Variables & Macros (Tokens)

Both of these terms are easily confused, so let’s define them now to use them appropriately. 

  • Parameter Variable

An attribute in your system that denotes a particular type of variable to be defined; e.g. the ID of a user or some other definitive characteristic of your data.

  • Macro (Tracking Value)

The value of the parameter it is paired with; can either contain an actual value (e.g. =2345) or can be a placeholder for the value of the parameter (e.g. ={number}) to be dynamically replaced later.

Thus, a parameter is simply indicating that the parameter variable equals a macro/value. You can add sub1, sub2, sub3, and sub4 as sub IDs.  Either you can pass the default value or you can also pass various parameters listed here. 

How to add parameters to the postback URL?

Just click on the parameters, and they will be added to the postback URL field. Also, once you hover the cursor over any parameter, you will see its description:

A common practice is for advertisers to pass their unique session ID on the click through the sub1 and sub2 parameters. Therefore, you will want to append the sub1, sub2 parameters to the postback URL like this:{click_id}&sub1=XYZ&sub2=123

How to add parameters to conversion Pixel URL?

Similarly, you can add parameters to the conversion Pixel URL. Advertisers usually pass their unique session ID on the click through the sub1 and sub2 parameters for pixel conversion. 

This is the example of the conversion Pixel link:

<img src=’‘>