How to create a deeplink?

How to create a deeplink?

If an offer supports deeplinking, you can generate a deeplink to any page on the advertiser’s website, such as a product page, category page, landing page, or promotion page. To check whether deeplinking is available for an offer, go to the offer page and look for the "Deeplinking" setting:

If it’s set to “Yes”, you can create deeplinks for this offer. 


Steps to Generate a Deeplink:

  1. Visit the advertiser’s website and choose any page you want to promote (product, category, landing, or promotion page).

  1. Copy the URL of the selected page.

  2. Navigate to the Tracking Link section on the offer page.

    • Select a traffic source from the list of available options.

    • Click "Generate" to create a common tracking link.

    • Once the tracking link is displayed, you will see a modification form/section where you can adjust the tracking link settings.

    • Enable the Deeplink option by checking the "Deeplink" checkbox in the modification form.

    • A "Deeplink URL" field will appear—paste the previously copied URL into this field.

    • Click "Update" to generate the final deeplink based on the common tracking link.

Note: For certain offers, the system may validate the provided URL to check if the product is eligible for affiliation. If any potential issues are detected, you will see a notification. However, this is only an informational warning to help prevent traffic loss—you can still use the URL for deeplinking if needed.

Note: Keep in mind that not all deeplinks will work with Google Ads. If you plan to use tracking links in Google Ads campaigns, we recommend using our dedicated feature for generating Google Ads-compatible tracking links.


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